Course curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to the course!
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Course content
Chapter 2: What is inclusive procurement?
2.1. What is inclusive procurement?
2.2 Minority-owned businesses
2.2.1. Why learn about the diversity strands
2.3. Barriers that minority owned businesses face
Chapter 3: Why inclusive procurement?
3.1. Why Inclusive Procurement?
3.2.1. Benefits - The business case
3.2.2. Benefits - Disruptive innovation and flexibility
3.2.3. Benefits - Increased competition
3.2.4. Benefits - Drives transparency and accountability
3.2.5. Benefits - D&I strategy and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
3.2.6. Benefits - Improve your brand and market share
3.2.7. Benefits - Talent Attraction and Retention
Assessment 1
Chapter 4: Strategy for inclusive procurement
4.1.1. How to start?
4.1.2. Think about where you want to be in the future and identify your stakeholders
4.1.3. Set up a working Group, Communication and engagement plan
4.2.1. Train your procurement team!
4.2.2. Communicate the business case
4.2.3. Recognise that lowest cost and best value are not the same thing
4.2.4. Benchmarking and Collaboration
4.2.5. Learning from the public sector
4.2.6. The National TOMs Framework
4.3.1. The procurement process
4.3.2. How to change the procurement process? - 1
4.3.3. How to change the procurement process? - 2
4.4.1. Further strategies and tips 1
4.4.2. Further strategies and tips 2
4.4.3. Further strategies and tips 3
4.4.4. Further strategies and tips 4
4.5. Tips for Minority-Owned businesses/SMEs
Chapter 5: How to measure success?
5.1. Why it is important to have metrics
5.2. Why these key measures alone are inadequate!
5.3. Other useful things to measure and track
5.4. Tracking multi-tier spend
Chapter 6: Barriers to inclusive procurement
6.1. Barriers to inclusive procurement and potential solutions
6.2. Further barriers to inclusive procurement
6.3. The lack of a co-existing D&I strategy
Chapter 7: Summary
7.1. Course Summary
7.2. Congratulations on completing the course!